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Neue Render Jobs in Österreich per E-Mail erhalten.
Microsoft Österreich
We are looking for passionate full-stack developers with experiences working with all service aspects of high throughput AI-LM pipelines, work with internal component providers and their APIs, ability to design components carefully, properly handle...
Apotronik Datenservice GmbH
Weiterentwicklung und Wartung von Magento 2 Webshops Übernahme bzw. interner Neuaufbau der GIT-Versionsverwaltung Analyse hinsichtlich Stabilität und Code-Integrität Fehleridentifikation und umsetzen von Fixes/Lösungen Integration von Drittanbieter-APIs...
Kwizda Holding GmbH
Further development and maintenance of Magento 2 webshops Takeover or internal rebuilding of the GIT version administration Analysis regarding Magento 2 stability and code integrity Error identification and implementation of fixes/solutions Integration...
Qualcomm Austria RFFE GmbH
With other developers in mind define, implement and test new features in the Unity portion of the Snapdragon Spaces SDK Expose new functionalities from our perception team within the XR toolkit Work closely with product managers, partner managers and...
With other developers in mind define, implement and test new features in the UWP portion of the Wikitude SDK and future XR toolkits Expose new functionalities from our computer vision system within the XR toolkit Work closely with product managers,...
Design, architecture, test and implement for core parts for the Wikitude XR toolkit. Profile and optimize your code for runtime performance Work closely with product managers, partner managers and experts on the customer and partner side to understand...
The XR Embedded Software Engineer will drive the architecture, development and deployment of system components of our XR toolkit. We are looking for someone with a high affinity for embedded systems and solutions that use USB as communication interface...