Logo LX media GmbH

Senior UI Designer



  • Level
  • Job Feld
  • Anstellung
  • Vertragsart
    Unbefristetes Dienstverhältnis
  • Gehalt
    ab 52.136 € Brutto/Jahr
  • Ort
  • Arbeitsmodell
    Hybrid, Onsite
  • Job Technologien

    Deine Rolle im Team

    1. Lead the design process for user interfaces in close collaboration with our creative lead, including creating high-fidelity mockups, interactive prototypes, and detailed UI specifications.
    2. Guide the implementation of designs and conduct workshops with developers, clients, and product managers to uphold quality standards and meet company objectives.
    3. Ensure the visual consistency and usability of our products across mobile and web platforms through close collaboration with our engineering team, UX specialists, product owners, developers, and marketing.
    4. Work with our Design System team to maintain a consistent and polished brand experience.
    5. Advocate for and defend our design decisions and processes to uphold design principles and meet project objectives.
    6. You act like an owner, consistently striving to exceed expectations and achieve excellence.
    7. You are open to trying new strategies and remain undeterred by potential failures.
    8. As a dedicated team player, you effectively motivate and train teams across cultural differences.
    9. You are consistently positive and motivated, tackling every task with enthusiasm and care.
    10. You foster your own and your team's development by actively seeking and providing constructive feedback.

    Unsere Erwartungen an dich


    • A solid knowledge of UI design principles, including layout, color theory, typography, and interactive design.
    • Passion for creating visually appealing and functional user interfaces.
    • Proficiency in Figma, Sketch, Adobe Creative Suite, and other design and prototyping tools.
    • An eye for well-conceived components and smooth user flows.
    • Enjoy working in an agile, cross-functional team and eager to contribute ideas.
    • Confidently defending design principles and decisions to stakeholders.
    • A good understanding of design systems and how to implement them effectively.
    • Fluent in English; German would be helpful but is not required.
    • Proactivity, flexibility, a hands-on mentality, and a strong sense of initiative and personal responsibility round out your profile.


    • At least 6 years of experience in UI design, product design, or a similar role.
    • Prior experience working on web and mobile-based products.
    • Experience in animations and interaction design would be beneficial.



    Gesundheit, Fitness & Fun

    Essen & Trinken

    Job Standorte

    Map of company locations
    • Standort Wels

      Standort Wels

      4600 Oberösterreich


    Das ist dein Arbeitgeber

    LX media GmbH

    LX media GmbH


    Als Experten für die strategische Entwicklung und Umsetzung von digitalen Projekten begleiten wir unsere Kunden auf dem Weg in die digitale Transformation. Mit unserer Kompetenz sorgen wir für einen überzeugenden Auftritt auf den verschiedenen digitalen Kanälen. Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir Querdenker, Code-Monkeys, Designliebhaber oder alles auf einmal für unseren Standort in Wels.


  • Unternehmensgröße
    1-49 Employees
  • Gründungsjahr
  • Sprachen
    Deutsch, Englisch
  • Unternehmenstyp
    Digitale Agentur
  • Arbeitsmodell
    Hybrid, Onsite
  • Branche
    Werbung, Marketing, PR, Internet, IT, Telekom
  • Logo LX media GmbH

    Senior UI Designer

    ab 52.136 € Brutto/Jahr
    Hybrid, Onsite

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